We have established a presence within our industry and with governments worldwide as a major resource for information and education.
This has created a seat for independents at the table to ensure that their needs and opinions are heard.
Simply put - if you are not part of the conversation, you are out of the loop. IFTA is at the forefront of the entertainment industry identifying trends, understanding the shifting landscape, and providing access to marketplace information and resources so that our members are able to quickly shift their business models to where they can thrive.
IFTA produces research exclusively for our membership that guides the path forward and helps them stay ahead of the curve. Regular reports, webinars, and newsletters keep you in the know on both the little tremors and the seismic events in our industry. Our research and legal teams help our members spot trends before they happen.
In addition to industry intelligence, research, and a member network, IFTA's suite of services enable members to conduct business quickly and with confidence. From the IFTA® MILA to IFTA Collections™, our members have access to industry standards and legal and research support that they can rely on to effectively engage in business.
Membership in IFTA enhances your company's brand around the world and differentiates you from the competition. It is a resource to strengthen your business, increase sales, receive expert guidance, and save time and money.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Robin Burt, VP, Marketing & Membership:
Phone: 310-446-1020 | Email: rburt@ifta-online.org